Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cups, pints, quarts, and gallons!

Hi Friends!

The past few weeks have been spent learning about different forms of measurement. One of the hardest forms of measurement for kids (and even adults) to remember is cups, pints, quarts, and gallons. How many cups are in a pint? How many cups in a gallon? I’m sure all of us have had to stop and think about it before!

I am the type of learner where I need a visual to connect my understanding. To help my kiddos understand this concept, I used a really cute, and creative story that I found.

Here was the story:

The Land of Gallon
In the Land of Gallon lived four Queens. Each Queen had their very own Prince and Princess, and each Prince and Princess had two Children each!

Before I told my kiddos what we were even doing, we started by drawing a picture of a castle/kingdom. The students then colored the worksheet of queens, princes, princesses, and children that I had copies of and cut them out. Then, I read my kids the story and we placed all the ‘people’ into the kingdom. After that, we put them to the side for a bit to dry, and I let the kids forget about them.

Then we came together to start math. (Little did they know we already had! J) I had brought my cups, pints, quarts, and gallons jars in, so that I could visually show the kids what it looks like as I introduce this concept to them.

Then I used another little trick to help them understand better.
We started out with a large G and I drew it on the board. Inside of a gallon there are 4 quarts, so we drew four ‘Q’s inside of the G. And inside of each quart there are 2 pints, so we drew four ‘P’s inside each of the ‘Q’s. And finally, there are 2 cups inside of each pint, so we drew two ‘C’s inside of each of the ‘P’s. We then used this to answer questions. The kids were able to understand which unit of measurement was bigger and which was smaller, and how many of each there were inside of the other.

Now, it was time to go back to Land of Gallon! It was actually pretty cool because the kiddos actually made the connection before I had the chance to show it to them or lead them to the idea of it! WAY TO GO MY SMARTIES!!! All of the kiddos did a really nice job of grasping onto this concept! Here they are proudly displayed in our hallway!

Well, 3 weeks to go before my kids become second graders! I am so sad to see them leave because I have enjoyed each and every one of them so much, but am SO excited for them. They have grown so much this year!

‘Till next time!

~ Mrs. Christensen  
Empathy Adaptability Communication Arranger Developer


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